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Brussels, 30 January 2024 - We are delighted to announce that Hester Woodliffe, SVP Publishing, International at Warner Bros https://crada.io/freelancer/
Games, takes up the position of Chair of Video Games Europe from 15 Janu https://crada.io/

The idea for Video Games Around the World came when I was editing my two-volume Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming https://crada.io/
Entries about the history of video games in various countries would come in from contributors, usually around a thousand words or so, and they were fascinating, but were so short that you only got a glimpse of what they were describing https://crada.io/
I wanted to find out more, and thought there were enough entries on different countries and regions in the encyclopedia, that if I asked the same contributors to write full-length essays on their respective countries, I could have a nice collection of pieces on video game history around the world https://crada.io/
So I started with the contributors I had, and decided to try to find more and fill in as much of the world as possible https://crada.io/freelancer/
That’s one of the things that makes an anthology like this more difficult to put together than the usual kind of anthology; besides the size of it, you have a set of topics that you must represent, and even missing one of them becomes noticeable and feels like the gap that it is https://crada.io/freelancer/
You can’t leave out Russia, or Mexico, or Japan, or the Middle East and give the feeling that you have covered the world; even missing one crucial essay would make the book feel incomplete https://crada.io/freelancer/
There had to be essays related to each continent, and each major national industry https://crada.io/
(Completist that I am, I felt that in order to advertise that the book covered “every continent” something would have to be said about Antarctica, so I did some research and included a section on it in the Introduction https://crada.io/freelancer/
) So it was a matter of finding someone to write all the essays, and preferably people who were natives of the countries in question, and who understood the national context and culture firsthand, having grown up with it, or at least someone who had studied them in-depth https://crada.io/

The fun-to-say game name translates to Chilean kids typically speak Spanish, but Guaraca is actually a nonsense word https://crada.io/freelancer/

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